cranio & ptsd relief in Vietnam war veterans

“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is not an incurable, hopeless mental disorder. PTSD has been shown to have physical roots. I hope you will join us in the years to come as we seek to eliminate PTSD from the trauma equation.”

Dr. John E. Upledger

In 1999, Dr Upledger and a team of craniosacral therapists led 22 Vietnam veterans in a groundbreaking study using a protocol co-designed with the West Palm Beach Veterans Administration Medical Centre. A post-program report by an independent licensed psychologist confirmed that the veterans experienced fewer symptoms by the conclusion of the program, most notably related to obsessive/compulsive behaviours, depression, lack of motivation, feelings of alienation, and total number and severity of general symptoms. More than a 95% correlation was noted between the improvements and the craniosacral therapy sessions the veterans received.

Here are some excerpts from the study:


You can read the full study here.
